Celebrating the sum-meow-er solstice with this pawsitively celestial IPA! Punt on them clawsome shades, set yer solar shields to meow-ximum, and purr-pare to get catatonic, sun! BEER KITTY, KITTY, KITTY!
- Type: Triple IPA
- ABV: 11.0%
Craft a Culinary Adventure: Unleash Your Inner Chef with Unique Recipes and Gourmet Ingredients
Original price was: $6.99.$5.59Current price is: $5.59.
Celebrating the sum-meow-er solstice with this pawsitively celestial IPA! Punt on them clawsome shades, set yer solar shields to meow-ximum, and purr-pare to get catatonic, sun! BEER KITTY, KITTY, KITTY!
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