A counterculture cookbook for these strange times.
Mixing memoir and loose recipes, this book intends to inspire a free approach to cooking and eating. A literally down-to-earth approach as in: food grown, purchased, cooked, and consumed with an awareness of the Earth. A reflection on an idealistic, optimistic, possibility-fueled young adulthood spent around tables of co-op houses and would-be communes. An appreciation for groovy, light-hearted, no-rules cuisine.
Hippies of the past dreamt of a better world from their kitchens, and today we can do the same as we cook and eat in more informed, conscious, intentional ways.
This book is a love letter to Eugene, Oregon a small city where this free spirited food and mindset have long been commonplace and takes a close look at the formative food memories that make us hunger for another taste.
Free Food is a not-done-dreaming exploration of alternative ways of living in the now.
Foreword by Jonathan Kauffman
Contributing essays by Nicole Lavelle and Lola Milholland
Original drawings by Sam Farrell
Title page lettering by Adam Zeek
312 pages. Offset printed (spot color, all green) and bound in Portland, Oregon by Charles Overbeck of Eberhardt Press. A limited printing.
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