A groundbreaking synthesis of food studies, archival theory, and early American literature
There is no eating in the archive. This is not only a practical admonition to any would-be researcher but also a methodological challenge, in that there is no eatingor, at least, no foodpreserved among the printed records of the early United States. Synthesizing a range of textual artifacts with accounts (both real and imagined) of foods harvested, dishes prepared, and meals consumed,An Archive of Tastereveals how a focus on eating allows us to rethink the nature and significance of aesthetics in early America, as well as of its archive.
Lauren F. Klein considers eating and early American aesthetics together, reframing the philosophical work of food and its meaning for the people who prepare, serve, and consume it. She tells the story of how eating emerged as an aesthetic activity over the course of the eighteenth century and how it subsequently transformed into a means of expressing both allegiance and resistance to the dominant Enlightenment worldview. Klein offers richly layered accounts of the enslaved men and women who cooked the meals of the nations founders and, in doing so, directly affected the development of our national culturefrom Thomas Jeffersons emancipation agreement with his enslaved chef to Malinda RussellsDomestic Cookbook, the first African Americanauthored culinary text.
The first book to examine the gustatory origins of aesthetic taste in early American literature,An Archive of Tasteshows how thinking about eating can help to tell new stories about the range of people who worked to establish a cultural foundation for the United States.
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