Whether its being eaten, cooked, grown,prepared, or cultivated, food is todays hottest
topic. Its many facets spur our interest,arouse our passion, and provide us withpure pleasure. Regional cuisines are becomingmore dynamic even well beyond theareas where they originated. Vacationsmake impressions on our taste buds thatare further developed at home. In additionto local delicacies, specialty marketsare offering more and more internationaltreats. Cooking classes serve as creativemeeting points, market halls are becomingweekend travel destinations, and supperclubs are experiencing a growing popularity.Culinary magazines, special interestpublications, and blogs are further fuelingthe current enthusiasm for food.
Against this background, The Delicioustakes readers on a mouth-watering visualjourney to discover whats cooking aroundthe world. It compiles developments intodays new food culture, such as healthconscious cafeterias, contemporary fastfood, and restaurants with cutting-edge ideas, as well as innovative catering andculinary events both public and private.From experimental new dishes to moderninterpretations of familiar classics, the featuredexamples will give readers new perspectivesand inspire them to broaden their food horizons.
Are they still making traditional pizzaand pasta in Italy? Whats happening inBalkan cuisine? How should you prepare aroast these days? What about new energysmoothies or super-food products that arebased on the traditions of tribes who livedin harmony with nature? The answers to allof these questions and more are explored
in The Delicious. Other topics include inspirationsfrom Korea and Chile, a Slow Foodweek in Tel Aviv, a gourmet shuttle throughHelsinki, eating lotus blossoms and scorpionsin China, trying freshly smoked fish,cooking turnips over a camp fire on thefield where they were harvested, and learninghow to preserve stone fruits just likeour grandparents once did.
The book introduces pioneers, traditionalists,and entrepreneurs who are enriching the culinary world with their concepts.It also focuses on local cultivation andenvironmentally responsible distribution to support sustainability and ensure the quality of meat and vegetables.
In TheDelicious, everything is possible, everythingis delectable, and everything promises fullenjoyment.
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