Paperback February 27, 2014
Tempeh is a delicious, traditional Indonesian fermented food with the texture and taste of fried chicken. The Book of Tempeh takes a wholistic look at tempeh. This special Professional edition contains the complete contents of the basic, large-format Book of Tempeh plus 88 additional pages of more specialized information and 54 illustrations arranged in the following appendices: Appendix B: Tempeh in Indonesia (an overview of the tempeh industry, per capita consumption by province, etc.). Appendix C: The Varieties of Tempeh. Appendix D: Soybean Production and Traditional Soyfoods in Indonesia. Appendix E: The Microbiology & Chemistry of Tempeh Fermentation. Appendix H. Onchom or Ontjom. A fermented food resemblinh tempeh in appearance but cultured with a different microorganism (Neurospora) and made from inexpensive ingredients – peanut presscake, okara, coconut presscake, etc. Glossary of Indonesian Foods (the most extensive one available in English). Bibliography on Tempeh containing over 190 entries Expanded Index. Illustration of an Indonesian dancer. A great deal of additional original research is contained in this book.
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