Hardcover January 1, 1970
without Dustjacket
Early cookbook (1970) that dealt with losing weight without losing taste, author Gould offers a fun cookbook with humorous recipe titles but still good tasting serious recipes. Check out a few of these recipes: NO FLABBAGE CABBAGE / FAKED BAKED POTATO / PRUNE WHIP A GO-GO / COUNTERFEIT CAVAIR / LIVER FOR LOVERS / FRANKS SINATRA / PASSIONATE KOOKIE KISSES / BRAZEN RAISIN COOKIES / JOLLY WALLY WAFFLES / CINNA MINNA ROLL / PUTTING-YOU-ON PUDDING / SOUTH-OF-THE-BORDER BANANZA / APPLE FANNY CAKES / BELIEVE-IT-OR-NOT BLINTZES / SNOW PUFFS / STUFFED CABBAGE SURPRISE / ARNOLDS BENEDICT/ BEEF HASHISH / HIPPIE DELIGHT or ROLLED GRAPE LEAVES / STEAK TA-TA (HA-HA) / NO STRINGS GREEN BEAN / BEANS-TO-YOU STEW / CRANBERRY DELISH DELIGHT and much more interesting recipes. Delightful cookbook with equally delightful & whimsical illustrations by Bert Blum.
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