Lucky Falernum
Developed by Danny Shapiro of Scofflaw, Heavy Featherand Slippery Slope in Chicago IL USA, Lucky Falernum is a high-proof falernum. Weighing in at 70 Proof, the liquor is infused with ginger, lime, pineapple, nutmeg, and other delicious ingredients.
We blend cane neutral spirit with an aged 3 year old Barbadian Rum then separate into two tanks. In one tank we infuse the fruit- orange, lime and pineapple. In the second tank we infuse control spices- ginger, star anise, nutmeg, cinnamon, and allspice among others. We sweeten the liqueur with a turbinado syrup. The syrup is mixed in a 1:1 ratio. This is the sweetest product we make, and has a significant viscosity.
We named it Lucky Falernum because of the great luck we have had at Scofflaw, having won Gold medals, received label approvals, and locked in new distributors all while sitting at their bar. Scofflaw, one of Dannys bars, is our four-leaf clover.
Gold Medal, 90 Points
Beverage Tasting Institute
Best in Category
American Distilling Institute
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