Known genius and broccoli savant Tyler Kordischef-ownerof thelauded No.7Subshopsin New York. Heis alsoa fabulously neuroticmanwhodirectshisenergyinto ruminations on sandwich philosophy, love, self-loathing, pay phones, getting drunk in the shower, Tom Cruise, food ethics, and what it’s like having the names of two different women tattooed on your body.
But being a chef means that it’s your job to make people happy, and so, to thank you for being there while he works out his issues, he offers you this collection of trulyexcellentrecipes, like roast beef with crispy shallots and smoky French dressing, a mind-blowing mayonnaise that tastes exactly like pho, or so many ways to make vegetables into sandiwches that you may never eat salad again.A Super Upsetting Cookbook About Sandwicheswill make you laugh, make you cry, and most of all, make you hungry.
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