In 1995 Alberto Antonini, a well-known Tuscan winemaker, and Antonio Morescalchi, a young entrepreneur, took a trip to visit the burgeoning wine areas of South America. It only took one stop to find what they were looking for. They were immediately impressed by the vineyards thriving in the high altitude and dry climate of Mendoza, and were captivated by the whispered traditions and blend of cultures.
We purchased 206 hectares (530 acres) in the rural township of Lujan de Cuyo for the future Estate of Altos Las Hormigas. When the vineyards were planted in 1996 workers faced a stiff altercation with the local ant colonies. The ants loved to feed on the tender sprouts of our newly-planted young vines, often reducing months of man labor to nothing, all in a single night. The workers refused to poison the ants and started looking for natural ways to deflect their attention. During this time they commented that the ants were the real owners of the place and seemed to cover enormous ground and accomplish great tasks despite their miniscule size. In Argentina we have saying: un trabajo de hormigas or a job for ants which describes a humble, patient, and dedicated work. We decided to name our venture after the hard-working, team-playing hormiga, which is emblematic of our history and has become a symbol of good luck.
Our vision has always been to create a melting pot of cultures, experience, and insight- each member contributing towards one unwavering goal: to create authentic wines that speak of their origin. Combine the strong wine cultures of Italy, Argentina, Chile and California, then add in a Terroir PhD, worldwide winemaking experience, local viticulture, biodynamic practices and tie it all together with a strong personal bond, and we firmly believe the end result cannot be anything less than exciting.
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